We had so much fun during Maths today... Even more than usual!
We participated in the the Measurement Olympics.
Let the games begin!
There was:
Shot put (with a cotton ball)
Mini Javelin (with a toothpick)
Long Blast (with a straw and a marble)
Discus (with a sponge)
Long Thump (with 2 counters)
Here are some more pictures of our Measurement Olympics:
Here is a video we have made. The more views we get = a better chance we have of winning the 'PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD'. Please share with as many people as possible!
Early one winter day, the sun was shining brightly in the sky and Fantastic Four decided to play with some bold coloured leaves.
The children had leaf fights, made leaf angels and laughed the day away!
Wow what fun we have been having with Mrs O'Leary!
We have been exploring the question "What causes volcano eruptions?"
Here are some responses:
We have found out that air pressure in the ground (Preston)
It's when the ground shakes and explodes (Ruby)
The ground shakes, air pressure under the ground needs somewhere to go so it explodes (Seth.D)
The ground heats up, the water underneath heats up then explodes (Taj)
Mrs O'Leary first put vinegar into a bottle and then put her finger underneath a funnel and quickly put two teaspoons of baking powder into the funnel with her finger still there. Then she quickly tipped the baking powder into the bottle of vinegar and as fast as she could pushed the cork into the bottle and the vinegar and baking powder reacted and made the cork shoot out of the bottle extremely fast and up into the air. (Novah)
This morning Room 4 had Patch the bunny come in and visit!
We thought of some great adjectives to describe Patch:
These were just some of the amazing words we thought of.