Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Unison Medals

Congratulations to three Clive School Kids for achieving a Unison medal in recognition of Fair Play, Work Ethic, and Discipline! Ka Pai Clive Kids.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Dance 4 Asthma

Well done Clive Kids and Clive Teachers for helping to put together our awesome Dance 4 Asthma 2015 video. We learnt about Asthma and how common it is for New Zealand kids.

Inquiry fun- learning about the 80s

We have been learning about the 80s with our buddies from Room 10. 
We have been finding out information from books, asking experts and from the internet.
Some things that we have been researching are- fashion, furniture, music, Michael Jackson, games and toys, and devices.